Nantwich Camera Club
- Name.
The name of the club will be the “Nantwich Camera Club”. - Objective
The objective of the club will be to promote the hobby of photography amongst its members and other interested parties, to provide the opportunity for development of expertise and to provide opportunity for social contact in pursuit of the hobby. - Membership.
Membership will be open to any person with a “bona fide” interest in pursuing the hobby, subject to a membership limitation of 100 members or as otherwise defined by the committee, on payment of an annual membership fee determined by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and on
payment of a weekly levy determined by the committee. - Lapsed Members.
Members not having paid their subscription by the prescribed date, which will be the 31st October of each new season, will be deemed lapsed and will lose the benefits of membership of the club until such time as the subscription is paid or at the discretion of the committee. - Committee Structure.
The controlling body of the club will be the Main Committee.
All events shall be subject to the approval of the Main Committee. - Club Officers.
The club shall be managed by the Main Committee, which will consist of at least the following:-
Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Syllabus Secretary. The Chairman shall control the committee and club meetings (or his nominee in his absence). The Secretary shall call Main Committee meetings, record minutes, and liaise with other bodies (or his nominee by delegation). The Treasurer shall receive all monies payable to the club, maintain membership records and subscriptions and maintain all appropriate financial records. The Committee shall be responsible for electing other officers to undertake specific tasks, as may be necessary during their term of office. The number of non-executive committee members will not exceed two. A committee meeting will only constitute a quorum when attended by four members, one of whom must be the Chairman or Vice Chairman. Any committee member failing to attend three consecutive committee meetings, without reasonable cause, shall be deemed to have lost interest. - Finance.
The assets of the club are, and at all times shall be, vested in the Main Committee, which is responsible for the proper application, administration and maintenance of such assets. No member of the club shall have any claim, financial or otherwise, on any of the assets of the club at any time. Cheques shall be drawn by any two of the following three officers:- Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary.
Accounts will be scrutinized annually by auditor(s) appointed by the club annually. - AGM and Elections.
There shall be an annual election of officers and other committee members. Nominees shall be nominated and seconded six weeks prior to the AGM, at which elections shall take place. The AGM is to be programmed to be held at a convenient time near to the end of each season. All retiring officers may stand for re-election. In the event of equal votes being cast, for two or more nominees for one post, the decision will be by lots. In the event of insufficient nominees, the retiring officers will be asked to continue to serve. Officers so elected or appointed will hold office for one year before requiring re-nomination. - Constitution.
Any proposed amendment to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least six weeks before the date of the AGM and be posted to members before that date. Acceptance shall require a simple majority at the AGM. - Dissolution of Club Funds.
In the event of the club ceasing to function, club assets will be distributed to charities as decided by the membership at a final special meeting.
Authorized by the Chairman of Nantwich Camera Club